Contact to author and developer:
Merci spécial à Tewfik Bekhechi (Traduction Française)!

This page is published under
CC BY-NC-SA 3.0.
Please use as reference:
Stefan Richtberg,, CC BY-NC-SA 3.0
For further rights of use just write me an e-mail.
Latest changes:
- added more hypotheses (22.01.)
- added experiment with isolated Maltese Cross (05.08)
- added experiment with charged Maltese Cross (02.07.)
- added helix trajectory of electrons when motion angular to magnetic field (29.06.)
- added experiements with Maltese Cross Tube (24.06.)
- changed symbol for voltage to V (28.04.)
- added new pictures of experimental setup (28.04.)
- major update with a new structure and improved backend (5.9.)
- free input is now a friction (5.9.)
- Feedback for testing hypotheses modified (01.09.)
- changed order of hypotheses (31.08.)
- variance between non-relativistic and relativistic calculation added (14.5.)
- View on mobile devices fixed (14.5.)
- page for checking the proportionality added (10.5.)
- page about the influence of the distance between the capacitor plates added (10.5.)
- added new part for exercises (07.05.)
- inserted picture of the real experimental setup (06.05.)